
An expertise

The greatest athletes of recent years do their physical preparation with us.

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+10 years of experience

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International footballer


International Rugbman


Strength and Conditioning Coach Manchester


For your individual physical preparation in Manchester, choose excellence by entrusting your sports goals to Roro! A former French rugby player, it was during his career that he launched his coaching business in 2013. It was in a completely different sport that Roro built an unshakable reputation. He had his first experience as a high-level physical trainer in 2018 when he was in charge of a French international footballer during the World Cup. Following this collaboration, the footballer became a World Champion. Since then, he has continued to support international athletes, both beginners and seasoned, from all sports in Manchester and across Europe.

Regardless of your level and your sport, each of his individual physical preparations begins with a series of specific and useful physical tests tailored to your activity. With these tests, you’ll know your starting point and track your progress to become physically better. This is achieved through customized sessions designed specifically for you. Roro is also the creator of a unique concept in the world of football!

A unique strength and conditioning concept in Manchester!

An incredible method in Manchester to assess one’s physical qualities and compete with high-level footballers! Bringing together a database of over 150 physical results from professional footballers (Premier League & Championship or equivalent), discover your athletic level, quality by quality. This concept takes the form of a FIFA card allowing you to track your progression and compare your current level. All tests to be performed are scientifically validated. A designer takes care of customizing your card according to your profile (your position, your club logo, your name & your photo) and your scores obtained. Scores range from 0 to 99. The closer you get to 99, the closer you are to the record among footballers! You will then receive your personalized printed card! Following this work, Roro will perfectly know your strengths and weaknesses and will carry out a personalized physical preparation to help you become a better athlete, and in this case, a better footballer. Ready to measure yourself against the best footballers in Manchester?


  • You are a professional or amateur football player and you want to:
    • Identify what you need to reach the next level and aim for the very top.
    • Know your current level and then undergo physical preparation to quantify your progress.
    • Measure / compare yourself against very high-level footballers and international athletes from other sports.
  • You are a sports club and you want to:
    • Create team cohesion through the excitement generated by this tool.
    • Offer your players a fun and innovative working method composed of +15 scientifically validated tests.
    • Benefit from an overall visual of the strengths and weaknesses of each of your players and know the general fitness level of your group.

We evaluate only your physical qualities. With +15 scientifically validated tests, measure yourself against the performances of +150 professional footballers (from Internationals to Ligue 2). You will know your level in:

Strength - Endurance
Speed - Jumping
Acceleration - Flexibility
Power - Anthropometry

No. The "Roro Ultimate Team" concept only assesses your physical qualities. To be a high-level footballer, you need to have technical skills (dribbling, control, passing, shooting...), game intelligence (vision, positioning, marking, discipline...), and of course: physical qualities. While physical attributes play a crucial role, it's the combination of these qualities that will make you a better footballer.

Let's take some examples:

K. Benzema, E. Haaland, C. Ronaldo are among the best players in the world. They rely on significant physical qualities to make differences. These three players would score very well in this concept!
However, if we take the case of Messi and compare him to these three athletes: Messi wouldn't score well in this concept. We are sure he wouldn't exceed 45. But this doesn't prevent him from being one of the best players in the world! Indeed, Messi doesn't play in the same style as these three players. He stands out for his technical qualities that are well above average, compensating for his lack of physical attributes.
Regardless of your playing style, our mission as a physical trainer is to develop your physical qualities. And believe us: you will succeed!

Our coaching sessions are primarily focused 60% on injury prevention and 40% on physical development. Before thinking about performance, one must think about longevity! Keeping your physical integrity intact and minimizing the risk of injury is Roro's priority.

Only one obsession haunts Roro: result, result, RESULT!

In France, here is our slogan : pas de chichi... QUE DU RORO ! (no frills... ALL ABOUT RORO!) His sole goal is to help you reach a higher level through physical and mental preparation. It won't be easy, but Roro will perfectly balance the volume and intensity of your club sessions with those of your individual preparation sessions. Recognized in the world of football and rugby, he fully understands the demands of all sports and the level needed to help you progress. First and foremost, an assessment of all your physical qualities will be established through scientifically validated tests. Nothing will be left to chance thereafter. His method has proven itself, as many athletes from various sports he supports are now considered global benchmarks.

Roro's word: "Through scientifically recognized training methods and testings (physiological, neuromuscular...), I make my athletes faster (change of directions, pure speed, agility...), more enduring, more powerful, stronger. But I don't make my players more technical. If you think dribbling around cones will help you beat the best defenders in Ligue 1: You've come to the wrong place. Everything we do is quantified: In seconds, in watts, in kilograms, in meters. Maybe even in centimeters! Nothing is left to chance, and all our work will be measurable by numbers so you can see your progress.
If you are mature, ready to step out of your comfort zone while doing things intelligently to avoid injury and become better than yesterday through very detailed monitoring: You are welcome.
Here, "pas de chichi : QUE DU RORO !"  and I can assure you, it will pay off."

This concept is the result of 3 years of research. Our scales and tests are highly reliable. However, all of this remains applied to football. However, some professional athletes from other sports have participated and validated it! This is the case with Thibaut REGARD & Baptiste COUILLOUD (International Rugby Players) or Lucas HEUZE (International Crossfitter).

If you are an athlete from another sport, our logic remains the same: We select the best tests specific to your activity. (Example: An endurance test cannot be the same between a footballer and a basketball player) and we offer you the same quality of performance monitoring to help you become a better athlete. However, at the time of writing these few lines, we do not have a large database to assign a score to your performances and put it in the format of a FIFA card.

Discover the certified and authentic reviews from the French athletes.

Joaquim Da Silva
Joaquim Da Silva
20 Mars 2024
Trustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google.
Après plusieurs mois de travail en collaboration entre Roro et notre fils Helder qui évolue à l’Olympique Lyonnais en u19 National, nous avons remarqué plusieurs changements chez lui. Le premier, étant au niveau corporel, avec une morphologie qui se rapproche aujourd’hui de celle d’un sportif professionnel. Le second, au niveau du terrain, avec des capacités physiques supérieures qu’en début saison. Et sur le plan mental, avec une relation de confiance qui a vue le jour entre eux. C’est avec satisfaction et enthousiasme, que nous poursuivons cette collaboration et nous remercions Roro pour son sérieux et son professionnalisme.
Arthur Pontet
Arthur Pontet
13 Mars 2024
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Si vous cherchez un préparateur physique à la fois compétent, passionné et qui sait comment vous motiver; vous êtes au bon endroit ! Étant footballeur, j’ai fait appel à Roro pour améliorer mes capacités physiques et après 3 mois de suivi régulier, j’ai réalisé des progrès impressionnants 📈 Le système de carte FIFA qu’il a mis en place permet de quantifier et voir clairement les améliorations et de se challenger. Chaque séance est millimétrée et réalisée avec sérieux et bonne humeur ! J’ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à travailler avec RORO (sauf pendant ses tests VMA qui m’ont mis en PLS 🥵🫠) et n’hésiterai pas à refaire appel à lui dans le futur !
Noah Marc
Noah Marc
7 Mars 2024
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J’ai eu la chance et le privilège d’avoir recours aux coaching de Roro. Que dire…mis à part que vous ne trouverez pas mieux, Roro est une personne bienveillante qui s’adapte parfaitement à votre personnalité et vos objectifs, qu’il vous fera atteindre sans aucun problème. Il est à l’écoute et il aime ce qu’il fait. Vous pouvez lui faire confiance les yeux fermés ! Et comme il le dit si bien : Pas de chichi, que du Roro ! Merci encore.
Laure Denizot
Laure Denizot
17 Décembre 2023
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Une belle découverte ! Des résultats déjà très bien en à peine 4 mois de coaching, un coach à l'écoute et qui sait s'adapter aux différents profils. Je n'étais pas du tout sportive au départ et il a réussi à me donner goût au sport ! Je recommande ses services à 1000%
Christian Krumhorn
Christian Krumhorn
16 Octobre 2023
Trustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google.
Roro ! C est avant tout une belle rencontre ! Après un premier mail un dimanche , une visio , un déplacement sur Lyon ,me voilà depuis juin à mettre en place ‘ une Philosophie de Vie ‘ Une prise de conscience ! A vrai dire Roro respire la confiance ,la voix est douce et posée Il y a pas de jugement ! ( c est rare de voir cela de nos jours ) Entre humour , ÉCOUTE ,Plaisir Voilà les ingrédients … C est Mon psychiatre du Sport ! 😎 Il arrive à vous emmener loin … Et c est que le début Perte de poids , énergie , l envie !!! Tout simplement Merci exister dans ma petite Vie !🙏 L Alsacien Christian
David Faure
David Faure
26 Septembre 2023
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1h de Roro coaching c’est 1h de plaisir et de dépassement de soi. C’est 1h d’effort dans la bonne humeur pour des résultats visibles et un mieux être évident. Merci Roro
9 Août 2023
Trustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google.
Mon coach depuis 4 mois, les résultats sont là ! Il adapte a votre profil, vous écoutez et vous motive, je le recommande à 100%, merci encore !
Eloïse Poizat
Eloïse Poizat
24 Mai 2023
Trustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google.
J'ai commencé un coaching avec Roro sur les conseils de mon ami qui l'avait vu passer en interview à la télévision. Je suis plus que ravie de cette expérience qui m'a permis de reprendre le goût de l'activité physique (on partait de loin !). Roro me propose à chaque fois des séances adaptées à mon niveau et mes besoins. Et les scéances ne se ressemblent pas donc on ne se lasse pas. Autres détails qui ont leur importance tout de même, sa ponctualité et sa bonne humeur. Déjà de bons résultats en 2 mois ==> perte de poids, meilleure routine de vie et mental. Hâte de voir la suite👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Côme Dolbeau
Côme Dolbeau
22 Mai 2023
Trustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google.
J'ai contacté Roro après l'avoir vu à la télévision. Je cherchais quelqu'un pour m'aider à retrouver le plaisir de l'effort et me motiver à me dépasser. Bientôt 3 mois qu'il me coache et je suis très satisfait. Il s'est adapté à mon niveau et me propose des exercices sur mesure. J'ai repris plaisir à avoir une activité physique et ai perdu quelques kilos au passage



Here are some names of international athletes that he coaches:

They are international athletes representing their countries at the highest level or in youth selections. They have authorized us to communicate about our collaboration. Whether it's for rehabilitation after injury or for additional training with their club, discover some of the international athletes that Roro coaches:

● Delphine CASCARINO (Football – Olympique Lyonnais – Découvrez sa fiche)
● Aurélien TCHOUAMENI (Football – Real Madrid – Découvrez sa fiche)
● Yann M'VILA (Football – Olympiakos – Découvrez sa fiche)
● Karim et Raouf GASMI (Handball – Arbitres – Découvrez sa fiche)
● Castello LUKEBA (Football – RB Leipzig – Découvrez sa fiche)
● Zoé MARAS (Tennis paraplégique – 28ème mondiale – Découvrez sa fiche)
● Estelle CASCARINO (Football – Paris Saint Germain – Découvrez sa fiche)
● Lucas HEUZÉ (Crossfit – N°3 Mondial (Équipe) et 40ème Mondial (Indiv.) – Découvrez sa fiche)
● Baptiste COUILLOUD (Rugby – LOU Rugby – Découvrez sa fiche)
● Mamadou SARR (Football – Olympique Lyonnais – Découvrez sa fiche)
● Bénie TRAORE (Football – Sheffield United – Découvrez sa fiche)
● Roméo AMANE (Football – Häcken – Découvrez sa fiche)
● Jules BERRIAU (Handball - Nantes – Découvrez sa fiche )
● Perle MORRONI (Football – Montpellier HSC  – Découvrez sa fiche)

Clubs and athletes do not hesitate to call upon Roro to come to their homes but also to their vacation spots because they are assured of satisfaction.

1- DISCRETION: One of his qualities and key principles when working with athletes or media personalities is: discretion. It is not uncommon for some top athletes to prefer that their collaboration not be disclosed to avoid any prejudice in their club. If this is your wish, it is entirely possible to sign a confidentiality clause to guarantee and protect your interests.

2- QUALITY ASSURANCE: All the athletes he has worked with for individual preparation have seen their careers take a different turn. The most talented have become World Football Champions, others have joined the French youth teams regardless of the sport... All the athletes he has had the chance to collaborate with have achieved results.

3- EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: More than 10 years of experience and globally recognized diplomas! He pursued a university education by joining the Faculty of Sports. He prioritized extensive studies, earning a Master's degree and obtaining a European Diploma in Physical Preparation to have a scientifically sound background to provide his athletes with the best knowledge and help them achieve their goals safely, without risks or injury! More than 40 professional athletes from all walks of life trust him.

For professional athletes preferring to travel to Roro's residence : We can offer you an all-inclusive package (accommodation + training).

❐ Previous Experiences:
Messina Football (Italy – Serie D – Professional)
Season 2020/2021
ASVEL Rugby (U19 Nat + Federal 1 – Professional)
Season 2013 to 2021
Rugby Club Orléans (Training center / Federal 1 – Professional)
Season 2011/2012

❐ Current Experiences:
⇒ Founder of his company: Roro Coaching – Since 2013
⇒ Head of physical preparation – Saint Priest Rugby – Since 2018 – (Federal 2 – Semi Pro)

❐ Achievements as a physical trainer:
– Italian Champion and promotion to Serie C – Football
– 3 qualifications in the French championship – Rugby

❐ Education:
– Master's Degree – Physical/Mental Preparation and Re-athleticism
– European Diploma – Physical Preparation
– Bachelor's Degree – STAPS (Sport Training Sciences) – Rugby Coaching Option
- Certification – Mental Preparation
– Associate's Degree – STAPS – Sport Training
– Federal Weightlifting Diploma (French Federation) – Level 1
Additional training: Kettlebell and Suspension Strap

Roro only travels for 2 reasons:
- Physical preparation for professional athletes
- Unusual projects: Accompanying a public figure (actor, politician...) for a physical transformation - Seminar - Training - Team Building ...


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Manchester city :

Manchester, one of the United Kingdom’s most prominent cities with a population exceeding 2.8 million people, boasts a thriving sports culture deeply rooted in its history. Within its dynamic sports landscape, numerous major sports clubs flourish across various disciplines, contributing to the city’s rich sporting legacy. In football, Manchester is home to iconic clubs such as Manchester United FC and Manchester City FC, each with passionate fan bases and storied histories in domestic and international competitions. Rugby league also enjoys a significant presence in the city, with clubs like the Wigan Warriors and St Helens RLFC garnering dedicated followers. Moreover, Manchester hosts major sporting events such as the Great Manchester Run, attracting participants from around the world to compete on its streets. The city’s diverse sports scene, coupled with its cultural vibrancy, makes it a hub for sporting excellence and innovation.
